Pat Jacques

My Favorite Rides:
My passion is empowering women to live in the truth of their own brilliance.
I grew up in a home environment which I lovingly describe as a combination of opportunity and oppression. For me opportunity showed up by my family being very supportive of me and my love of motorcycles. They recognized my skill and competitive nature and were very supportive of my racing motocross. On the other hand my father had an overbearing, oppressive, dark side which overshadowed everything.
My escape was riding my motorcycle! I couldn’t wait to get home from school, jump on my dirt bike, and head off into the freedom of the forest and the woods. To this day I love riding my motorcycle in the backcountry! It refreshes, rejuvenates, and invigorates me like nothing else. This is my happy place.
I am blessed to have also found cleansing release and joy working with amazing, empowering coaches. These coaches supported me through many challenges to heal and discover my authentic self. They saw the truth of who I am before I ever could. Through this work I realized that I have been a lifelong coach. Whenever I learn something my natural compulsion is to share it and teach it.
I started riding motorcycles when I was 8. At 14, I was recruited by Yamaha Motorcycles to teach in their “Learn to Ride” program. I studied photography at Junior College and soon taught photography classes. After my Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Sciences, I taught various computer classes. Athletically, I am an expert skier and taught six years in Winter Park’s National Sports Center for the Disabled. Upon retiring from racing motocross I turned to racing downhill mountain bikes. Coaching and Teaching Mountain biking soon followed. I have always been a coach.
It was only natural that I invest in my education and training to become a Cynthia James Enterprises Freedom Coach. I spent several years of Intensive training, classes, interning, and working in private practice and group modalities. This emotional Integration and healing is key to live genuine, authentic, joy filled lives. Through this process I have also come to see the synchronicity between motorcycling and life.
I believe the reward for moving past the fear, challenge and uncertainty of riding off road motorcycles is confidence, and the freedom to live an adventurous life. I believe healing emotional wounds and trauma releases the past so we can live an abundant, joyful life in the present. I believe motorcycling and healing support each other by transforming challenges into opportunities. I believe confidence is key and know women develop confidence experientially. I believe women supporting women is powerful and natural. I believe in me. And I believe in you.
I invite you to join me in this adventure! Join me to heal, transform, and thrive. Join me on a crazy, fun, incredible adventure in life and on a motorcycle!