What if everything about me is inherently right? Pat Jacques TED Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/pat_jacques_what_if_everything_about_me_is_inherently_right
Mindful Motorcycling Journal
Cathy and Gary Hawk of Get Clarity, a business and life coaching and training firm designed a super charged journal tool which is being used by professions athletes in the NBA. They have graciously given ADVWoman permission to share this powerful learning tool. We use the journal to teach riders how to "ride their own [...]
Slow Turns
On a motorcycle, one of the most challenging skills to master is “slow turns.” Beginner riders either put their feet down and “walk” through the turn, only make part of the turn and then have to back up the motorcycle and take a second shot, or sometimes fall over. Slow turns require several essential skills. [...]
Riding Slow
Today I’ll talk about riding slow. In order to go slow, riders need to have good throttle and clutch control. Riders must also have good balance. For throttle and clutch control I start by having riders sit on their motorcycle at an idle. Head is up, eyes looking forward. Do not give the bike any [...]
What Bike Should I Buy?
What’s the best bike to learn on? One of the most daunting challenges to folks wanting to get into Dual Sport or Dirt Bike riding is buying the right motorcycle. No matter what you buy, it means spending some of your hard earned dollars! I have no affiliation with any specific brand or motorcycle. My [...]