Man Up! Ride Like a Girl!
That’s right. I said, “Man Up! Ride Like a Girl!” Former pro motocross racer, Pat Jacques here with a few tips to make you a better rider! Let me start by saying if you’re a [...]
Line Choice is Critical to Off Road Riding!
One of the most important skills all riders must develop is “line choice.” For the sake of this conversation, I will define “line choice” as the path you choose to ride your motorcycle. When riding [...]
Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t pick up my bike!
I’d like to share some interesting information about women athletes. You may or may not know that in 1972 Title IX became law as part of comprehensive educational reform. Prior to Title IX, women had [...]
Slow Turns
On a motorcycle, one of the most challenging skills to master is “slow turns.” Beginner riders either put their feet down and “walk” through the turn, only make part of the turn and then have [...]
Riding Slow
Today I’ll talk about riding slow. In order to go slow, riders need to have good throttle and clutch control. Riders must also have good balance. For throttle and clutch control I start by having [...]